By baldintheback - 15/08/2009 19:21 - United States

Today, my sister and I were reading the new FML posts. I sat close to the fan, and after a few minutes, I leaned against it for support. It immediatly sucked up my hair and started violently twisting it. My sister continued to read and shouted at me because my cries for help are distracting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 614
You deserved it 14 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klutzywriter 0

ouch. i'd put HER hair in it


If your hair was caught in the fan, you would have been scalped.

myalleyway 9
Violord 13

Too many posts that break the fourth wall, AND NONE OF THEM ARE MINE

She's just jealous because her FML's don't get published

becca9985 34

I love the irony here--"Reading FMLs turned into my own FML submission. FML"