By Anonymous - 02/05/2013 16:49 - United States

Today, my sister texted me, saying she was about to go into surgery. It's been a long time coming, and we've both been worried about what could happen. I texted "good luck" back. My phone autocorrected it to "goodbye" and I didn't even notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 283
You deserved it 8 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Misswildsides 22

Sizzle down there, teapot.


That's the time you should apologize prefusely and turn off auto correct.

I think this is potentially the saddest auto correct story I've ever read. But I really hope your sister's surgery was successful and it turned out to be a funny story instead (:

kiswani_anas 4

Bitch... Your not even at the hospital with her? So messed the fudge up!

Well, if you two are like me and my sister she will probably laugh it off, then come back with some kind of retort when she gets back.

I hope your sister gets through surgery well, and you tell her what clumsy thumbs you have. And 'goodbye' can sometimes be known as 'see you' so you could work that angle. GOOD LUCK

Autocorrect is a bitch, the only use it has is making sense out of drunken texts.

I hope you corrected it as soon as you did notice... I'm sure she'll understand, once the anesthesia wears off anyways.

Auto correct can be turned off folks