By bellabreeze - 09/08/2012 03:29 - United States - Lebanon

Today, my son thought it would be a great idea to spray a whole can of spray tan all over my freshly-painted white bathroom walls as an "experiment". He's 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 140
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You now live in the Jersey Shore, or at least from the inside of the house.

Maybe he should have to paint the room while you spray paint his room bright pink as a punishment ;)


Go have wild and hot crazy sex with husband/boyfriend/fiancé/girlfriend/wife/etc. in his room/house and let him know how experiments and get very very bad ;)

Orange interesting! At least it's unique :)

Wow... Well, I guess he just gave himself a heavy job painting those walls all over again! FYL

brevolorio 5

Look at this way it not totally fml thats like couple hundred buck in paint to fix the bathroom it would be fml if he sprayed a new paint job on a car that would be 5K so what will u pick.

brevolorio 5

What thr heck I said orange aint the ugliest color got comment moderated for that

Hahaha that made me laugh if I ever attempted this I would get my ass beat.

I was gonna say I could have seen myself doing that at like age 5, then I got to his age and sighed.

fatalwish 6

cant blame the little douche on this one besides he gets it from somewhere

Excuse me, why can't he be blamed for his own actions as an adult? Are you saying spraying a room with an entire can of fake tan is a genetic trait? I can't make the slightest sense of your comment.

Was he thinking "maybe if I take my shirt off I can roll it on by rolling on the wall for an even orange"?

Curiosity is a good thing at any age!!! But that is just too funny!