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By ughno - 21/02/2010 19:50 - United States

Today, my step-mom yelled at me for an hour, calling me a slut because our male dog saw me naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 839
You deserved it 3 366

ughno tells us more.

wow this has just turned into a bug argument over who's state it better hahaha

Top comments

x805xUnknown 6

Your such a *****!! How could you do that?!

Ask your step mom how many of her ex-boyfriend were dogs...


x805xUnknown 6

Your such a *****!! How could you do that?!

If you were a bitch ..... Female dog

Melkezidech 0

make yourself handy and give the dog a handy!

bettadenne1 0

did he get a boner? cuz then ur mad slutty

LOL how would the dog's face change? AND, how did your step-mom find out? I mean, did the dog tell her? If so, I guess that means no more peep shows for fido!

your mums dumb, you should've said "at least he didn't see you naked, he would have been chucking up grass and dead rabbits for a month" lol

zebra_pillow 0

seems like she's barking up the wrong tree.... sorry about that.

jack8765 0

she knew because the dog walked in the living room with a huge doggie boner

jason2468 0

**** you asshole figtree or whatever thie he'll ur name is #90somethin

GirlWithAnItouch 0

I agree, how did ur mom find out?

Enoch134 0

like I said last night only in Texas will u find a retard like this

isreal 0

how would she know if the dog saw u naked and can I see u naked

some people in Texas may be stupid but they'll still beat your ass any day

epoh_fml 0

yah I wouldn't pick on people who live in Texas. They have big guns o_O

Justmylife122 0

damn ur step mom iz a bitch!!!!!!!! suks 4 u

Skullcrusher 5

Your mom is obviously a major weirdo.

naza517 0
GoSmegma 0
GoSmegma 0

I'm really not understanding what Texas has to do with this shit... because we are quite possibly the most fantastic people alive.

shoot her, let the dog rape her dead body, then have the word, "****" written on her tombstone because she, "******" your dog

no it's not a fake haha. you guys I was really upset then I read all these comments and now I'm happy and laughing my ass off haha :)

jennacide 0

You wish you lived in Texas! Lol, I don't see what the problem is, is your mom like a super christian or something? Come on, dogs need some action! She might be jealous of you 'cause she was making out with the dog and he wouldn't put out. ;P

don't talk shit about Texas! we're the second biggest state in the country our state is the only state I believe that is considered equal to the country PLUS we do have big guns, and on top of that naturally beautiful women, I do to other states and they're just not as pretty as the Texan girls, and like I said NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL! unlike them LA, Beverly Hills, and Miami ****** whose looks are about 80% fake, they could stand next to a heater and melt.

jennacide 0

Yeah! Even though I don't have huge fake boobs I think I look pretty cute, and I am a Texas girl born and raised. :) I really don't get why people go after the place someone lives, are yall really that ignorent?

DogmaT_fml 4

cluster F*ck at the number one spot

deliciouscake 3

acording to anatomy, dogs can get off on that shit. ****

Texan girls are very beautiful such as your self :)

Thats true, proof being I see many attractive girls appear after someone bashed on Texas.

htownlove 0

#90 what's so bad about Texas? it's awesome! and all y'all people that think weird things happen only in Texas, are retarded! Texas is great! especially Houston

KingDingALing 9

did the dog hump your leg? xD

May be she is having something with the dog to make her concerned about him..... :()

If you don't want jackasses talking sh*t about your state, then at least have the decency to not talk sh*t about other states!! I'm a CA gal that's the complete opposite of your offensive description, and you can go screw yourself with your disgusting insults and stupid view of things.

225 whoop I'm from htown! 235( I think?) I didn't bash CA cause most of the girls there arnt fakes just the ones from LA

icall_BS 0

LOL Texas? Awesome? Beautiful? LOLOLOLOL I've ****** been to Texas it's a depressing wasteland. I've actually lived in Texas for a month so I have a say in this shit. I live in California, and instead of being a bunch of stereotypical ***** (with all the fake boobs shit and whatnot) why don't you actually visit the damn state.

wow this has just turned into a bug argument over who's state it better hahaha

doink 0

#237... LA isn't all Hollywood and Melrose, believe it or not.

This FML should read: Today, I realized I live in Texas. FML

dacman48 0

here here! preach on you little silicon ****! jk, jk :P

I have no problem with Texas, BUT STOP TYPING Y'ALL!!!!!

GeoThermalSleuth 0

I don't like Texas! Oklahoma for the Win! シ Sorry but as an OKey its my duty to not like Texas.

MightyMike2509 0

where did that come from? lol

MightyMike2509 0

@109 or new York.. or the federal government.. or california

pssshhh, frick texas and all that, australia is the shit

Hot girls are hot, fake people are fake. If you can generalise an entire state like that, your world must be pretty small and simple.

Reyo 2

OP: If she's new, she's trying to display her dominance over you. It happened with me, but I yelled back at her to calm the **** down. The problem seemed to go away after that.

Dude! What the ****!? So it's all of us Cali girls who are ****** and *****? What? Do I have to move to some ******* small hick town to not be considered a ****? Hell! I'm content in jeans and a tshirt! But noo! Just because we have LA, San Diego, San Fransico, and Hollywood, we're all considered ***** and ******! Just toss everybody into the mix why don't ya!!!

Dallas, Texas. Nuff said. Bunch of whiny fag Californians.

fyl op, I've been naked in front if my female dog before and I'm a guy. I haven't been yelled at...yet.

name one motherfuckin fought Texan douchebag, I can name 100s of californians Let me guess George Bush is your number one pick?

morgan020 0

yes our flag is the only one in the united states that can fly at the same height as the national flag and we can also seceed from the union and form our own nation. however if the girl is from "east" Texas...yeah the step mom is more than likely a bit crazy and a self righteous God praising woman. i have family from nachodoches and lufkin and it can get a little odd up there from time to time.

morgan020 0

that's what's austins for...the weird folks :) I'll go to Houston, Corpus or San Antonio before I go to Austin.

no it's an argument on whether Texas sucks or not. and yes yes it does. in fact it is a giant field of nothingness as far as the eye can see, and it's not really the peoples fault that it sucks so much, .

who gives a shit if it's a big state anyway

in fact once upon a time an angry god cursed the land know as Texas cursed it with a crappy shoreline, dusty nothingness and a magic gas coming from the ground that makes all the people born there assholes. so yeah stick to citys and avoid the south west that's where the pits of hell have their doorways.

long comment thread ftw!!! I'd take a girl from TX or CA... unlike a good number of my northern counterparts I actually care about staying in many lazy ppl who let themselves go up here... This is assuming your natural... fake girls are only cheating themselves

Undeniable that inbreeding has produced some dim hot chicks. Totally kidding... about the dim part. I'm a Cali boy but went to UA and loved it. Girls were gorgeous and not stick thin and they liked my "exoticness".

Crush89 0

my Texas girl is the best. hmmmmmmm slap ya momma and your pimp dogg


#240 I have and it sucked I went to the ******* movies and that's about as fun as it got and I know what your going to say "well maybe you didn't go out to the fun parts" well maybe you just didn't have friends and not because you were a loser and didn't have fun doesn't mean that the state isn't cool so **** off ALL TEXAN BORN AND RAISED BABY!!!! yeehaw

my family is from el paso but I'm a Cali boy and honestly it is boring in texas. I went to the movies and was the ONLY one in the ENTIRE theatre lol but they do have some hot girls but they seem high maintenance hahahaha no no for me


well I'm from TEXAS and yes if you are the only one at the movies with a date you can "WATCH THE PREVIEWS" lol that's why me and my husband love to wait to see a movie if you know what I mean lol


Well I don't know what happend I my other comment but here goes another one My huband and I love to be the only ones their because if you have a date to go with you can "WATCH THE PREVIEWS"wink wink" lol it makes passing time just that much funner lol

FutureSoldier18 0
dudeitsdanny 9

I'vet a LOT of gorgeous Texan women. All online, though. I'm from Los Angeles and you people need to get your heads out of your asses and visit before you judge. There's a LOT of real, beautiful women. I have met ONE girl with fake breasts. Just one fake breast. She had breast cancer and was left with just one. Now she has one fake and one real one. So STFU and go milk some cows. That doesnt go for all Texans. That goes for the ignorant idiots talking crap.

lmfao, I thought of sandy cheeks off of spongebob when you said that!

i see, all they can do is beat each other up.... fight in street.... and yell her daugther for stupid reason...! lol

is this about Texas or stupid stepmom. I just learned about de Texas from this post.. FML.

iSwag 0

never been to Cali so I won't comment on it but I've lived in almost every southern state from Texas to Florida and I have to say Texas was BY FAR the most fun. TEXAS IS ****** AWESOME...but I like Alabama and Florida too...and Louisiana wasn't too mississppi now and I'm bored as **** Brazoria county! oh and as far as the women, the ones in Texas are gorgeuos...especially the Mexican girls

yeahh, talk to me after you change your profile picture to one that isn't photoshopped to death. natural beauty my ass, and you're a snob to boot

haha naturally beautiful about 90 of the texas population is fat mabye naturally beautiful on the inside lol

Yes.. Naturally beautiful.. Doesn't Texas have one of the highest obesity rates? Nice try though ;D


yeah your stupid I'm not fat and most if the girls her that are saying texas is awsome are pretty and not fat our probably fat that's why our all mad haha fatty nice try haha and were nor Mexican were hispanice lol Mexican is when you're born in Mexico

if you're not fat then why does it seem like you took that comment way too personally? did it hit you where it hurts? lol just wondering

kiki face. I actually only photoshopped my pic to make it a certain type of black and white. nice try tho :)

then what's with the obnoxious eyeliner and mascara as well? i mean just wondering since you're supposed to be so naturally beautiful. you're probably the wrong person to have made a remark like that, i'm just pointing out the irony

#170; Is that whipped cream on ur head????:P OP; Was your mom in the room?

i took the pic after a long ass day where most of my makeup was off... I was wearing barely any makeup just mascara. and I'm pretty sure I only left one 'obnoxious' comment before you attacked me. and for the record, don't go calling that other girl fat. i dislike girls like you that are so rude to girls because they are 'fat' honestly I would prefer to be not skinny with a personality everyone loved than be a skinny little bitch like you.


I don't care if you call me fat I'm a size 1 in jeans and know that I'm not fat and that's cause I've had a baby what's you're excuse for being fat haha I know this might seem rude but you're not skinny with a bitchy additude you're a bitch with fat I don't care I your not fat but ou did call me out first kiki

lonewolfxxx 0

*slaps everyone* no one is perfect, we are all human beings. Learn to accept it. now go on my children, make this world a better place by taking my advice. and make me a sandwich.

htownlove 0

248 shut up u retard I'm Texan and Im super smart. so get it right

htownlove 0

ok 315 ur f*****g retarded cause Texas isn't only land. there are big cities too. like Houston (the 4th largest city in the united states)

htownlove 0

#379 yeah!! Mexican/Texan girl (like me) are beautiful lol


htown we are hispanice lol Mexican is when you're born in Mexico hehe

lolz he won't see another chick or bitch lolz good start!

now numba 199 got that shit strait. beautiful girls come from Texas, and the most polite also. don't be talkin shit, cause Texas is one o' the best.

maybe your mom has something going on with your dog and is jealous. ,

why does no one realize that all the big states have huge stereotypes.... idk how many times people have asked where I live and I tell them Cali, they almost imediately ask how the beachs are like everyone lives next to the damn beach

Lol at the people arguing here. You're all sad losers. Wow, some of you are from Texas, some of you are from CA. Guess what? You're both from the USA so shut the **** up. Silly Americans.

you're the one that started ranting when someone stated THE FACT that texas has one of the highest obesity rates in the nation, as if they were attacking you personally. "i'm not fat, you're fat, you must be fat because you called me fat" way to show us all the benefits of a public school education. you're not fat? congratulations, the statistics weren't based solely on you. and for you to call me fat? lmfaoo i'm far from it, but even if i was i could go to the gym to lose weight. how are you going to go about losing all that ugly?

oh and to that other girl, two swings and two misses. clearly you don't consider yourself "naturally beautiful" if that picture was taken after MOST of your makeup wore off (makes one wonder how much you were wearing in the first place), and your personality isn't even all that either because you're clearly a stuck-up snobby ****.

agreed, she can hardly try to tell us she's naturally beautiful if she's had to edit her picture so much that it just looks overexposed, you can hardly even see her nose lololol. but even with all that editing and brightness, you can still see the ridiculous amount of eye makeup. lolololol. natural beauty my arse. plus, no one place is more beautiful than another. you get gorgeous people everywhere.

holy **** there are a lot of texans on this site, and #416 you dont SOUND super smart....

well the OP is from Texas and you obviousely aren't the most fantastic propel alive because this lady thinks her daughter is a **** because and animal saw her naked.

jason2468 0

shut up the hell up about only in Texas assholes!!!

jason2468 0

Enoch silentfog and epoh how about u come down to my house in Texas so I can beat ur asses

well there are dogs out there that tend to stare. seriously they stare at anything, not like there human and can understand it. maybe.............


**** you bitch. Texas is the best ******* thing that has ever happened to this world, go be a jealous prick somewhere else

411 listen to his advice! Every stereotype has some grain of truth so deal with it! Somewhere in california is a fake boobed douchebag. Also there is a fat person somewhere in texas! There also beautiful girls in texas and fat ass uglys in california.

528Alice491 3

There are stupid people everywhere. And I'm pretty sure you put a Texan in a room with a thick blooded Angeleno, it'd be a toss up. Same with anyone from the Bronx. You also have bad asses everywhere so just knock off your macho my-horse bullshit.

dudeitsdanny 9

No, she's jealous. She's been trying to give the dog a peek for ages

DogmaT_fml 4

its a love triangle *in berry white's voice.

someone call child protection services

DogmaT_fml 4

its funny because its ridiculous

dudeitsdanny 9

My horse is bigger than your horse. And my cheese is better, because good cheese comes from happy cows, and happy cows come from California. =D

dudeitsdanny 9

Oops, replied to the wrong thread. =D

isabelle99_fml 0

walk up to your step mom and smack her in the face for being such a dum ass the dog wouldnt give a shit if yuh naked or clothed it will hump your leg when it wants to

Yeah... your mom has shit-for-brains. Did she also chew your ass out when your brother saw you naked?

oogyboogy 6

your brother seeing you naked is gross. please don't compare them

Dude this same exact incident happened to me only replace male dog with my third grade teacher and stepmom with principal.

nonameLiz 0

Gawd I hate stepmoms. Their such bitchy fatasses

Yeah, like the one in your picture! (lolz jokes I promise xx)

Tamara2011 0

well shes crazy but, uhh maybee not i'm sure you did something with the dog to make her suspicious

did something strange for a piece of change

nomnommonster 0
do20ss 4

I bet Tamara wants ANYTHING to look at HIM ur hot

i wonder how she'll react if she ever catchs a real person looking at you naked

Alex_Lima 2

Stop flashing dogs you pervert! Flash me! lol

What? Dogs can't get some these days? And I thought this was the land of the free.....

1733817338 0

its actually illegal :o to ****, hump, or sexually seduce an animal haha we're the land of the free (with limits xD)