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By CapnCrunchKat - 09/05/2014 06:06 - United States - Dover

Today, my store manager told me I was fired. I'm not sure what's more insulting - that he'd fire me, or that he forgot I haven't worked there in four months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 046
You deserved it 3 795

CapnCrunchKat tells us more.

OP here. I don't have time to reply to every single comment, so here's the answers to all of your questions: 1. I was there because I was shopping. I work retail. Duh. "Store manager". 2. I resigned four months ago, with this manager witnessing. Also, I'm not a "he". Lol.

Top comments

You could've missed work for four months and still had a job.

We are you fired up? What the hell is that supposed to mean?


The way this FML is worded, I don't know if OP is employed and hasn't shown up in 4 months, or hasn't been employed there for 4 months. Seems like a toss up between FYL and YDI depending on how you interpret it.

I think OP hasn't been employed there in over 4 months. The manager didn't remember and fired them. Fyl, Maybe if your manager is that much of an idiot you can convince him to give you the 4 months pay that he also 'forgot' ;)

Why is this comment getting down-voted?

because the fml isn't confusedly worded

cryssycakesx3 22

I think "…haven't worked there in 4 months" is fairly clear.

You know if you just don't show up for four months you also have not worked there in four months. Doesn't mean op officially terminated their employment. OP's manager could have been giving an official termination. Or the manager could have been an idiot.

I agree Sith #1 the wording is bad. if you no longer work there then it would be you ex manager

OP here. I filled out my resignation papers with this exact manager four months ago. Lol.

Thanks for the clarification #66! I feel great confidence now that I can click on "I agree, your life sucks". Cheers

You obviously didnt make enough of an impression to be memorable so YDI

You could've missed work for four months and still had a job.

cryssycakesx3 22

obviously not though. he apparently sucked so bad he got fired without even working there.

It's not so bad if you still got paid for those 4 months.

Says more about him than you. If he can't even keep track of who he hires he's an idiot. Whether it's a big company or not he should have somebody keeping track of his employees.

urnnotvase 10

I'm kind of confused by this. Did you stop showing up for work and never officially resign? Did he already lay you off once and was just being rude? I was once a seasonal employee and they stopped giving me hours and never bothered to tell me when my job ended. I'm sorry if something similar happened to you. I haven't had the best of luck with managers either in the past no matter how much effort I put into my job.

cryssycakesx3 22

he clearly says "…haven't worked in 4 months." not "I hadn't shown up in 4 months." nor "I had been laid off for 4 months" OP clearly was fired/quit 4 months ago. boss forgot and fired him.

"Haven't worked in 4 months" doesn't mean he was terminated. It could be interpreted either way. If I just didn't show up to work for a week, I could say "I haven't worked in a week".

50 - I can say I haven't worked as an air force pilot for over 3 years. the fact that I have never been in the air force still make my statement true.

cryssycakesx3 22

yeah. I get your point, each time. since FML is so concise and you the point, I feel as though it'd state "I hadn't shown up..." also the fault of your statement is that you would have been a pilot three years ago.

OP here. I'm not a guy, but you're right - I resigned 4 months ago, with this exact manager witnessing. He forgot.

rdenkewicz 11

Assuming you haven't had a job there for four months, why would you care? You can't get fired from a job you don't have, so what he says means absolutely NOTHING!