By authentic - 18/02/2009 23:20 - United States

Today, my tattoo artist boyfriend of five months gave me my first tattoo in celebration of my 18th birthday. It was supposed to be a heart with my name in script. He spelled my name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 863
You deserved it 17 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fucked4Life 0

I agree with #4, thats some sort of ego when you get your own name tattooed on your arm.

mikeyellenlee 0

Why would you get your name tattooed on you? Just in case you forget it? And if you're boyfriend doesn't know how to spell your name after five months, then you should get rid of him. Wow, get some sense.


Er.. I hate to jump on the bandwagon but who the **** gets their own name tattooed on themselves? More to the point, who gets their own name tattooed on themselves with a heart!? FYL.

Maybe it's one of those names that has a billion different spellings, like Katherine. But he really should've checked the spelling with you before permanently marking your body -_-

you deserve it. when you get a tattoo they put the outline of the tattoo on your first in REMOVEBLE ink or pen. You should have noticed BEFORE the UNREMOVEBLE ink went on

...I think my brain just exploded at the hypocrisy of this statement.

sign from god. GET OUT NOW. oh and a bit of carma for being dumb and getting a tattoo with your name in it... or maybe he got it right and you've been spelling it wrong the whole time!!!!!!

r0ck5t4r 3

why would you get a tattoo of your own name?

spell "carma" right and i might agree with you