By TommyNoFeet - 04/12/2017 06:00

Today, my third day training for a half marathon, I tripped and broke both of my ankles and one wrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 675
You deserved it 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you must have broken some kind of record anyway.

So if you break three appendages training for only a half-marathon, how many would you have broken if it was for a full marathon?


So if you break three appendages training for only a half-marathon, how many would you have broken if it was for a full marathon?

Still three, but they'd each be broken in two places.

Four ankles and two wrists. It’s just simple algebra!

Well, you must have broken some kind of record anyway.

Lobby_Bee 17

Physical activities isn't your thing, you are a gatherer. Mingle and gossip with other women is your thing now.

snailsinyourtea 15

This is why exercise is a bad idea.

Your mind wanted to try long-distance running. Your body chooses video gaming.

Did you trip off a small cliff? Holy hell

manb91uk 22

Well, you’ve still got a masturbating hand free to pass the time!

That's a pretty big sign from the universe, you probably avoided something worse by not running that race