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By Ecolo-girl - 11/03/2016 06:22 - France - Quint

Today, my wife, the budding environmentalist, who is also 6 months pregnant, threatened to leave me because according to her I'm responsible for the world's deforestation. I'd only drawn her a picture of her with our baby-to-be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 648
You deserved it 60

Top comments

It's her hormones OP. My advice is to acknowledge what she is saying and do not invalidate her emotions or things will just get worse. Think of the baby who is coming in just 3 months. In any case, I know it's hard for you too so here's one FML for ya from years back: "Today, my wife, who is four months pregnant, burst into tears while thinking about the armchair in our living room that we never use. According to her, we're stopping it from living out its destiny as an armchair. FML"


It's her hormones OP. My advice is to acknowledge what she is saying and do not invalidate her emotions or things will just get worse. Think of the baby who is coming in just 3 months. In any case, I know it's hard for you too so here's one FML for ya from years back: "Today, my wife, who is four months pregnant, burst into tears while thinking about the armchair in our living room that we never use. According to her, we're stopping it from living out its destiny as an armchair. FML"

My daughter's mom was about 5 months pregnant and I was teaching her how to play Phase10 with her sister. She was winning horribly and won the round. She laid down her cards and I told her she could've won the round a bit ago if she had done something else. She then threw her cards in my face, threw the deck in the air, then went to the bedroom and bawled. She, still to this day, won't play Phase10 lol you're not alone OP.

Just start crying until she feels bad about it, works every time

Didn't realize how hard it was to reply to something this retarded until I tried it.

Good job, comrade R2Y2. Cleaning the comments section from dissidents, one comment at a time.

Unless your a man then you love her no matter what. Not try to guilt trip her thinking she hurt your little feelings. Man up.

expertsmilee 26

Agreed, when you love someone, the true expression of that is sticking by their side when it's hard, not when it's easy.

Pregnant women say the darnedest things Hormones are a bitch and a half, she'll undoubtedly grow to treasure your work, and so might your child

WhiteLightning96 14

It's all fun and games until she threatens you

You might have gotten away if it was on non bleached recycling paper...

The only way for OP to be sure would be to peel off his own hide and make it into pergament. On second thought though, this sounds really creepy. I'll show myself out.

It's just the pregnancy brain talking!

Mathalamus 24

ugh, environmentalists... anyway, i do hope you will listen to her. hormones do not invalidate her feelings.

Nothing wrong with environmentalists, i think hormones are mostly responsible for it. I just hope for that man and for their child that she is not really THAT KIND of environmentalist.

Mathalamus 24

considering her reaction, shes on the road to being that kind.

Moral Never marry an environmentalist if u ain't techno savvy enough to switch to digital print

Humans are the greatest threat to our environment. By giving birth to a new human your wife is contributing to these threats, like deforestation. Please consider drastic actions to prevent this threat, and maybe even do us a double deal.

You never know, this new little human could be the one to save the planet, or find a new one. I really hope you are being sarcastic with your post. And if not, I really hope you are just a keyboard warrior. No one should be told that they are doing harm by bringing a child into the world.

If only your parents considered "drastic action" before you were born I could've spared myself reading your bullcrap comment

The "drastic action" part was a little ridiculous, I agree. However, it's impossible to raise a child without doing at least a little harm to the environment... Each human will use paper and other such things at some point in their lives. So she shouldn't be bitching her husband out (and even threatening to leave him) for using paper when she's about to give birth to another human being that will also use paper and contribute to deforestation. :/ That's just what I think, though.

Using paper and damage to the environment aren't mutually inclusive. Using components of the environment is a natural symbiotic and sustainable relationship if we do it properly. If you cut down an old tree and plant a new one, you're sustainable and Mother Nature is a happy camper. If you consume more then you give back, that's when things get bad. Saying that by simply existing we're destroying the environment is just a cop out. There are responsible ways to utilize our world and not damage it. The only two possibilities aren't human extinction or environmental destruction.

AdamTodddBrown 11

High five! Someone gets it. Save the world one abortion at a time.