By loverofstrife - 07/10/2009 22:36 - United States

Today, on my break, I decided to be friendly and chat with a co-worker that everyone else always seems to avoid. He spent the next ten minutes telling me all about his abcessing sebaceous cysts. Apparently, "The scars look just like gunshot wounds." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 106
You deserved it 5 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Any job I ever had in my life, I talked to that guy...You know why I talk to that guy? Cause when that day comes, when he snaps, and he comes into work with a sawn-off shotgun, walking through the halls and he finally gets to my office he's gonna be like........'thanks for the candy.'" Just sayin'.

I think it's important to reference Dane Cook here. "Thanks for the candy."


Ashilivione 1

Today you learned that people are usually ostracized for a reason.

I really wish I didn't look up sebacious cysts to find out why this sucked.