By myleghurts - 12/11/2012 06:50 - Australia - Strathfield
Same thing different taste
By a hex upon your anus, sir - 25/05/2013 16:14 - United Kingdom
By candidcripple - 30/12/2013 05:57 - United States
Taking a stand
By vampyrate3562 - 29/01/2015 12:56 - United Kingdom
By nobodywasthere - 12/09/2017 01:30
By News-print Face Kate - 18/07/2012 16:37 - United Kingdom
By Whoopsie - 22/02/2012 15:53 - United States
Get a load of this guy
By Anonymous - 07/07/2011 22:52 - United Kingdom
You tried
By Anonymous - 10/06/2009 04:42 - United States
Crotch rot
By LassieToe - 30/03/2012 03:48 - Australia
By hunchbackofnotredamn - 29/09/2015 08:33 - United Kingdom - Southam
Top comments
Explain what you mean when you say he "made you get up." Sue his ass if he touched you. If you got up on yor own then YDI for succumbing to his rude and control freak nature.
Why feel for 'em :O they get their own personal scooters!
I would've stayed seated because if he touches you. You can say harassment and maybe even sue. If your a woman and he was a man
Only women can get harassed and sue over it?
It's people like you that make it hard for some people to take women's sexual harassment complaints seriously. If the guy tried to move OP with force then he could sue/complain about assault. Harassment (the sexual kind anyways) shouldn't come into it.
Exactly don't give up your seat for some douchebag
The worst disease is obesity mixed with stupidity.
It's not that easy to just say "**** off, I'm not moving". Here in Australia, there are signs up everywhere on public transport stating that students are required to stand for full-paying passengers (there's only a 50c fare for students). I've seen multiple occasions where some middle age prat with a stick up their arse has cracked the ***** like this and the student has been thrown off the bus. And if your bus driver is a REAL dick (which they so often are) they'll radio the other buses on that route and tell them not to let the student on any of their buses either. People are arseholes OP, and this is one of those cases where a little vigilante justice wouldn't have gone astray - wallop the prick across the knees with your crutches next time.
I was gonna ask about that too. In Germany, students pay the full fare, so I was like... Wouldn't both of them be full fare paying passengers?
I would hope they would make an exception for someone with a broken leg, but maybe I still have too much faith in humanity.
Then who has the priority for the seat between a healthy full-fare paying man, or a student with a broken leg? Or rather, does the fact of being injured surpass that of being a student? I'd guees it would be the one with a broken leg, if the bus driver has to brake hard, or turn hard, you could easely loose your balance, fall and make other passengers fall too.
In Chicago, students between 12 and 20 can get a card to put money on. It then charges you 15 cents for the first ride then 85 cents for the second( $1 in total). If the student doesn't have a card then it's $1 per ride. Also, we have priority seating only for elderly people, pregnant women, or disabled people.
I'm a student from Australia and I use public transport all the time, but oddly enough, I never heard the rule you hard to stand for full fare paying customers! I don't think that's really enforced in Victoria- or I've just been hiding under a rock!
159, third is free? How the hell haven't I noticed? Ah well, thanks for the correction.
Wtf is that how it is in WA? That is the most ridiculous rule ever.
Ignore the bullying asshole. You have just as much right to sit down as the next person.
Not in Australia I guess... I learned something today! Thank you FML.
Should have stayed sat down, some people are just plain horrible. Hope your leg heals soon :)
what an asshole, i would have held on to that seat for dear life.