By Bawsack - 30/04/2016 09:00 - United Kingdom - Leeds

Today, some guy woke me up at 5.30am by yelling outside my window. I opened the window and told him to knock it off before going back to bed. It took a good 3 minutes of his laughter before I realised I was naked and he got a close-up view of my breasts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 674
You deserved it 3 240

Bawsack tells us more.

OP here. I never thought for a million years that this would get posted, but it did which is equally awesome and creepy at the same time. I just wanted to clarify a few things. Firstly, thank you for the puns. I love puns and these are the breast I've seen in a while. I'll show myself out. Secondly: I have no idea why it says Leeds. I have never been to Leeds in my life. I'm in Edinburgh, over 200 miles away in a whole other country. The guy in question turned out to be my neighbour -cringe - on his way back from the pub very drunk and most probably high. I haven't seen him since and most probably won't for a while if I can help it. The reason I was naked was because I'd come in from work the night before, showered and passed out in bed from exhaustion. I hadn't noticed I was naked was because it was FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING. I had obviously been in a deep sleep because that's what normal people do at 5.30am. Literally the only thing going through my head was that I wanted the idiot to shut the hell up and let me sleep. And no, it probably wasn't exactly 3 minutes but it was long enough for me to go to the toilet, back to my bedroom then try to remove my robe before I realised I wasn't wearing it. Also, he probably laughed so much because he was drunk, high and a crazy naked woman was hanging out her second floor window at 5.30 in the morning. Finally. yes, breasts. Because that's what they are.

Top comments

I think it's the breast day of his entire life.

Hopefully he was black-out drunk at the time and won't remember when he sobers up. Sorry, that's the only thing I can think of that will make this experience less awkward for you.


What a titillating experience he had...

You're only encouraging more people to show up outside your window at 530 and drunkenly awake you. Hopefully they'll regale you with a rendition of "You're the Breast Around" or "Best of the Breast".

Instead of "Best Comments", shouldn't tit say "Breast Comments"?