By Bawsack - 30/04/2016 09:00 - United Kingdom - Leeds

Today, some guy woke me up at 5.30am by yelling outside my window. I opened the window and told him to knock it off before going back to bed. It took a good 3 minutes of his laughter before I realised I was naked and he got a close-up view of my breasts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 674
You deserved it 3 240

Bawsack tells us more.

OP here. I never thought for a million years that this would get posted, but it did which is equally awesome and creepy at the same time. I just wanted to clarify a few things. Firstly, thank you for the puns. I love puns and these are the breast I've seen in a while. I'll show myself out. Secondly: I have no idea why it says Leeds. I have never been to Leeds in my life. I'm in Edinburgh, over 200 miles away in a whole other country. The guy in question turned out to be my neighbour -cringe - on his way back from the pub very drunk and most probably high. I haven't seen him since and most probably won't for a while if I can help it. The reason I was naked was because I'd come in from work the night before, showered and passed out in bed from exhaustion. I hadn't noticed I was naked was because it was FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING. I had obviously been in a deep sleep because that's what normal people do at 5.30am. Literally the only thing going through my head was that I wanted the idiot to shut the hell up and let me sleep. And no, it probably wasn't exactly 3 minutes but it was long enough for me to go to the toilet, back to my bedroom then try to remove my robe before I realised I wasn't wearing it. Also, he probably laughed so much because he was drunk, high and a crazy naked woman was hanging out her second floor window at 5.30 in the morning. Finally. yes, breasts. Because that's what they are.

Top comments

I think it's the breast day of his entire life.

Hopefully he was black-out drunk at the time and won't remember when he sobers up. Sorry, that's the only thing I can think of that will make this experience less awkward for you.


I think it's the breast day of his entire life.

I think we should nip these puns in the bud.

SUN_lover, you sound like a swell gal.

Crazynocatlady Oh come on! We can't say our tatas so soon.

ThrottleJockey, Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have soaked myself in salt water.

ABlindMan 17

You're officially beating a dead horse now. Just stop. The first was good, the rest not so much.

^I agree. Although I think that 17's comment was pretty good, too.

And 38, I think her puns are MANEly quite creative ;D

Damn hopefully he doesn't start spying on you with binoculars and shit

Hopefully he was black-out drunk at the time and won't remember when he sobers up. Sorry, that's the only thing I can think of that will make this experience less awkward for you.

The only thing men will remember when they are drunk is boobs! Boobs!

What does it mean, to double-chest oneself?

I think it was a pun on 'double-check yourself' - aka check you are ok before learning out of the window.

Unless you know him you probably wont ever see him again, so i wouldn't worry about it :)) unless he starts to do shit like that every night, then it might be time for a restraining order

Mathalamus 24

Why was he laughing? I am not smart, but that does not seem to be the usual reaction to a naked lady.

mustang351c 11

Not saying you deserve it, (you don't) but what happened to that button on some of these posts?

With the new update it seems they now choose which ones to put YDI on, maybe so it's less mean for the ones where YDI doesn't really fit.

Well that sucks. I was gonna hit that button Pics or it didn't happend

OP, just send #20 a picture of some drunk guy laughing.