By harrington61 - 19/05/2013 21:27 - United States - Midland

Today, the extremely uncooperative client whom I'm trying to defend in court sent me a letter in which he threatened to sue me, because charging him for my services supposedly violates his "constipational rights". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 303
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

The only thing constipated here is his bloody brain, drop him and the case.


You should try to convince him to have you represent him in that case XD

vandeele 8

I am losing faith in humanity more and more as we speak...

what a shitty thing to do. har har. ;)

Tattoo_Freak 15

Toilet Humor ftw! I cannot stop laughing. Thanks for making my day :-)

How did someone that stupid even afford a lawyer?

Well, I always suppose you can point out that violating his constipational rights has very little to do with money rendered for services, and offer a package of sugar-free Hasbro gummy bears in compensation and goodwill.