By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, the girl I have had a crush on for the last 4 months asked me on AIM how to block someone. 30 seconds after I finished explaining how to block someone on iChat, she went offline and I haven't seen her on AIM since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 052
You deserved it 13 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

savy_77 0

maybe you shouldn't have imed her so much?


#21 has a point! he wrote iChat and AIM LOL

RachBearr 0

haha stupid girl maybe u shundt have told her how

This sounds awfully like a quote. Just throwin' it out there.

Sucks, but you probably deserved it. She blocked you for a reason, one of the most common being obsessive or creepy. Maybe you should chill out with the next crush you have.

thats what you get for IMing her too much

haha- I've done that before. Could it possibly have been that you were creep- stalking her? I'm thinking YDI- either you picked a bitch to have this weird crush on or you're just a creep that no one wants around (including the bitch, apparently).

pike1790 0
cprompt 0

It's possible that she accidentally blocked you trying to follow your directions for someone else, and you failed to tell her how to unblock someone. This would be a non-issue if you knew her in person, but I doubt you do.

It's possible it's just a coincidence, you know...unless it didn't actually happen 'today'.