By Anonymous - 05/10/2018 12:00

Today, the girl of my dreams, the one person I've met in my life that I could see myself spending the rest of it with, told me she loves me. She then specifically added "...but not in that way, so we could never be together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 958
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry. If she's given you that answer, you need to let it go. You never dated, not in that sort of relationship, so don't hinder yourself from actually finding someone to love you just as much back. It's hard when you're such good friends with someone. You get a tunnel vision that you're now stuck in. Recognize that it won't happen with her to help yourself in the long run!

Start wearing a fedora, address her as "m'lady" and scold her for banishing you to the dreaded friend zone. You'll be irresistible.


ThatGuy9679 13

Feel like she buried the lead there

I'm sorry. If she's given you that answer, you need to let it go. You never dated, not in that sort of relationship, so don't hinder yourself from actually finding someone to love you just as much back. It's hard when you're such good friends with someone. You get a tunnel vision that you're now stuck in. Recognize that it won't happen with her to help yourself in the long run!

You’re so close, keep trying! Camp out in front of her house, and maybe buy her a car, and she’ll change her mind. Don’t give up!

Start wearing a fedora, address her as "m'lady" and scold her for banishing you to the dreaded friend zone. You'll be irresistible.

tounces7 27

It may sound cruel, but I'd end that friendship. It's only ever going to cause you pain, and you'll never forget so long as you're around her.

Ode to the Friendzone. I suggest ending the relationship and moving on. Not worth the heart ache.

whiskey'swino 15

FWIW- And I am not saying this would happen to you. I said the same thing to a close guy friend for 7 years, some things in life changed and next week we will celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary. See what else is out there as she is doing the same. You both will learn and grow from those life experiences. You might meet a really amazing person to spend the rest of your life with and move on. Or things might change for you both. At any rate it will do you no favors to hang on.