By Aseemann - 24/01/2018 19:00 - Denmark - Svendborg

Today, I heard something you don't want to hear at the dentist: "I need a bigger drill." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 792
You deserved it 325

Top comments

manb91uk 22

That’s not something I ever want to hear anywhere actually

Even worse, he started unzipping his pants!!!


If you were on novocaine, you should be fine.

nentenkupo 16

For some people, like myself, Novocaine doesn't do a thing to stop the pain.

it just takes the edge off for me and takes longer to work. by the time it's all done thats when its st the height of efficiency.

manb91uk 22

That’s not something I ever want to hear anywhere actually

Jaws-Dentist version-"You're gonna need a bigger drill."

Even worse, he started unzipping his pants!!!