By Anonymous - 01/03/2018 11:44

Today, I found out my new husband is actually an illegal immigrant using me for citizenship, and is now forcing me to house his parents, 5 siblings, and 3 grandparents who are now able to pass through immigration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 633
You deserved it 2 116

Top comments

Where is this? That's not how it works in the US, not at all. You don't have to do any of that and even if you do it doesn't give him any legal status, much less his family.

You should try having your marriage annulled since he married you under false pretenses. That hopefully will mean that he and his family are deported.


Where is this? That's not how it works in the US, not at all. You don't have to do any of that and even if you do it doesn't give him any legal status, much less his family.

BellaD13 18

You can marry someone to obtain citizenship, and then because the family has ties in the country, it’s easier for them to come in and get a citizenship

They don't automatically obtain citizenship through marriage. They still have to go through a process after that. People can be and have been deported, even after marrying citizens.

He would have to be legal first. If he's here illegally it will take at least three years after he is married AND becomes legal for them to be eligible to come to the U.S. legally.

To do that, the non-citizen has to be here legally AND the non-citizen can only get a Green Card through that. Having a green card makes it easier to get citizenship, but the marriage does not make you a citizen.

I agree, in the US you have to file a marriage petition, affidavit of support, 601A waiver, and then actually apply for the visa which all takes at least one to two years (ans the wife would be required to sign and file out a good portion of that). Then he'd be required to return to his home country for the visa interview because he was in the country illegally and reenter with the visa. At that point he'd have a permanent residency and need to wait at least two years to apply for citizenship. Only after he applied for citizenship could he start petitioning family members to immigrate legally. So this would have to have been a marriage for around 3-4 years at least with thousands of dollars in filling fees and out of country travels along with extensive paperwork being signed and filed by the wife. Something seems off.

You cannot marry someone with the sole premise of gaining permanent residency and/or citizenship. The entire process is EXTREMELY detailed. They investigate everything imaginable to determine that the marriage is not a front just to get a green card. And the non-citizen’s family would not be eligible for residency or citizenship through the wife. It has to be through a spouse or a relative within their own family (sibling, parent, child, etc.)

raspution 21

really we went into a 5 min meeting and walked out with one.

You now know that her husband is illegal & that his 10 relatives are also all illegal. You’re committing a felony by harboring illegal immigrants. The penalty for harboring is up to 5 years in prison for each person. So, if you’re caught, you could face about 55 years in prison.

After 2 years with Green Card, he’s only eligible for “removal of conditions”, and have a permanent Green Card. He’ll then have to wait for another 3 years at least to apply for citizenship. And once his citizenship is approved, then the process to get his family would start. Something indeed sounds odd. Also, you need a marriage license, which most states do a background check. And this man is inelegant for a license, given his illegal status.

STOP lying! the wait list for a US citizen to petition a brother or sister is about 10 to 25 years depending on the country and marriage to a US citizen does not grant anyone the right to say in the country without due process. You people are so ignorant is funny, not in a funny way.

raspution 21

there is no wait list on that anymore obama changed that a few years ago.

Turn him in. Say you thought he loved you but you found out he's just playing you.

You should try having your marriage annulled since he married you under false pretenses. That hopefully will mean that he and his family are deported.

Not to mention... if Immigration found out. He and her would/could be charged with felonies.

I am not sure where you are from, but if it has not been long since the marriage, you can check to see what the guidelines are for an annulment. Even if he did not marry you not for your citizenship, this is not right whatsoever since he had other hidden intentions.

How could you possibly not know the legal status of someone you thought you knew well enough to marry? YDI You need to report this or you will be held liable for trying to trying to defraud the government.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20
Nic1330 5

as much as that sucks for you, seems to me you weren't that far into your relationship since you didn't know he was an illegal immigrant but shit happens

Lobby_Bee 17

Ummm, say no and divorce his ass.

If you're in the US, I.C.E probably does house-calls. I expect their number is on the Internet.

how is he forcing you? turn him in to the authorities.