By Oh hello there - 17/06/2018 01:30

Today, I accidentally left my Nintendo 3DS at the barbershop, so I rushed back to get it. The 60-year-old barber had destroyed it with a hammer, saying it was a weapon of the devil. I was gone 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 143
You deserved it 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Lol devil's weapon destroyed in 5 mins that too by a 60 yr old barber.

Tell him you want a replacement, and if he doesn't comply, call the ******* police! If it's on this apge though it's probably too late. If you didn't act or try anything with the situation, you've completely missed your chance. For everyone here that similar shit like this happens to, it's like you forget you and your property have rights. So instead of doing something about it you come here to post instead. Congrats!

Lobby_Bee 17

Old and senile, I'm surprised he can still cut hair without hurting himself.

That’s when I would have started speaking in tongues and twisting my body in weird shapes, telling him that your 3DS was the only thing keeping the demons away from you.

TomBran84 2

that's actually illegal lol

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I’d sue that barber so fast and for so much money he’d hope the devil would be kinder.