By PasFiancé - 09/10/2015 08:15 - Iceland - Reykjav?k

Today, under the Northern Lights of the Arctic Circle, I presented my girlfriend with an engagement ring and asked her if she would become my wife. She said, "I can’t, I have mittens." FML
I agree, your life sucks 939
You deserved it 91

Top comments

On the one hand, this is a pretty good joke. On the other hand, this is here, so it might not be a joke, or perhaps a joking way to refuse. On the third hand, a lot of FML posts are about the OP not getting that there is a joke to get. On the fourth hand, the OP might have understood the joke, they laughed together, and now they are engaged, but the OP decided to cut the story short so that it can be posted on FML. On the fifth hand, this could be fake. On the sixth hand, I killed only 2 people and ran out of hands.

I would say "marry her" but I guess it's a bit late for that. Assuming it was a joke instead of her just making something up to say no. But did you try taking the mittens off and asking again?


I would say "marry her" but I guess it's a bit late for that. Assuming it was a joke instead of her just making something up to say no. But did you try taking the mittens off and asking again?

KrazyKatz3 26

They're in the arctic. I wouldn't take her mittens off...

Iceland is not as cold as the name would imply, it is actually rather nice. It's certainly not cold enough to get frostbite in the few seconds that she wouldn't be wearing mittens.

That's hilarious though. You should try again in the hot springs!

On the one hand, this is a pretty good joke. On the other hand, this is here, so it might not be a joke, or perhaps a joking way to refuse. On the third hand, a lot of FML posts are about the OP not getting that there is a joke to get. On the fourth hand, the OP might have understood the joke, they laughed together, and now they are engaged, but the OP decided to cut the story short so that it can be posted on FML. On the fifth hand, this could be fake. On the sixth hand, I killed only 2 people and ran out of hands.

then the real mystery is where did you get the fifth hand?

He got the fifth and sixth hands from his second victim. The first two hands were his own, and the third and fourth belonged to his first victim.

species4872 19

You sound pretty handy yourself.

MamaChey 24

On the one hand, you have a mitten. On the other hand...

it's comments like these that come in handy sometimes

well you gotta give her credit, its pretty cold out and she may not want to expose herself to the cold, not sure how she said it though, good luck reproposing in a warm environment

strange, you'd think she would have said yes, you know. due to the implication

Hit rewind and buy her a very nice necklace to loop the ring onto and ask her again, necklaces aint got nothing to do with being on your fingers and she can still accept the ring xD In all seriousness tho she was kidding about the mitten comment right? or maybe she was just so cold she was too out of it to realize what she was saying.. OR pessimistically maybe she was just using that as a lame way of letting you down without actually saying "no".

Wow,how your never dying in the cold and need her help. If she had to get cold to save you, you're dead.