By mycedes - 26/10/2011 17:56 - United States

Today, was the last day of the prank war between me and my husband. I told him the last prank needed to be the best one. I took a shower and tried to think up my last prank. When I got out of the shower, my hair was green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 560
You deserved it 38 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sparxva 12

Sounds like you lost the prank war.

Lets hope it doesn't last long. Also this is awesome. Couples who can have fun together like this are great.

Why should they grow up. They are enjoying themselves. What is wrong with a little humor in a relationship?

It's nice that you are able to play with husband in that way, good for you OP, you deserve to have a long and healthy relationship. . . also, let us know how you got him back ;)

I believe it's fair to say your husband is WINNING.

zinjiitsdanaa 3

A bit cliche. It's been done too many times.

SuperNinjaa 0


Princessx3Jamie 0

what shade of green is the real question..

put chicken bouillon cubes inside the showerhead! funny but not cruel