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By Anonymous - 28/11/2014 12:16 - Australia

Today, we spent the day with my grandmother. During a family conversation, my sweet little grandmother looked me up and down, and without any hesitation said, "I remember you being so beautiful," before looking at my mother, mouthing, "What happened?" and laughing. She's 87. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 703
You deserved it 3 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always say "I could say the same about yourself." ...Or is that too mean?

Tell her that her eyesight must be getting bad because you're still gorgeous. Then flip your hair and walk away like the bad bitch you are.


You could always say "I could say the same about yourself." ...Or is that too mean?

That would make OP just as bad as her grandmother and would just be incredibly immature

Not to mention she's 87 so I'm not sure she'd care very much

badmandilon 19

I don't think OP grandma did that comment in a bad way, she was probably trying to be funny by using some crude humor. But you can always pay back by saying: "Well, at least I got to know how it feels for a while. I feel bad for you, I don't remember you being beautiful ever".

CallMeWindSock 24

Children and old people are always the most honest

ChristianH39 30

Kids don't know better and old people just don't give a ****

Actually #2 to me the oldest are the most hilarious, and in this case the grandma was obviously joking

I'm sure that's not true, everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. People just have a different way of looking at beautiful now a days don't let what anyone has to say about beauty define you even if its your grandmother. Do you and be proud of who you are inside!! beat of luck!

CallMeWindSock 24

That's not true... It's ignorant not to notice that there are ugly people in the world

i dare you to google "worlds ugliest people" and say that they are beautiful. there are ugly people in the world. not everyones beautiful not everyones unique. some people are ugly. get over it. i know i sound like an asshole but it had to be said.

MisterrMartinn 7

I agree with you, #17 ...some people just aren't as fortunate.

its just like if everyones beautiful, then no one is. the world isn't fair and it never will be.

ahippienamedrae 10

There's something beautiful about everyone, but it's not always appearance

I agree #4, you just worded it wrong. No, everyone is not beautiful. But everyone is beautiful to someone. We all know that one person that is ugly inside and out, but we also know that person who claims they are the most beautiful and amazing person in the universe.

Yup. "Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average." As long as we want to keep the common sense intuition that a "beautiful" person is more attractive than the average, then it follows that there have to be people of below-average looks and probably of so-so ones as well. Bottom line - if we end up with a compliment everyone deserves receiving, it's no longer a compliment WORTH receiving.

People are beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside. People are ugly on the outside and beautiful on the inside some people are just beautiful and other people you wish never existed ^.^

17 there are also the people who are both and neither. Face it, there are people who aren't good or good looking, and there are people who are good and goodlooking

Tell her that her eyesight must be getting bad because you're still gorgeous. Then flip your hair and walk away like the bad bitch you are.

Oh old people. I can't wait to say ridiculous things and no one care. Sorry your grandma was so rude.

well that's rude. old people shouldn't get away with things like that but unfortunately they do. maybe talk to your mom or your grandma and tell them it's unacceptable.

Aww maybe she's losing her sight or becoming senile. So rude :(