By effmylife - 06/09/2009 23:12 - Canada

Today, when I was finished eating at McDonald's, I went to Shoppers to pick up a new toothbrush. I got back to my car only to find the windows smashed in. The only thing that was missing from my car was the Hello Kitty toy I got from McDonald's. Someone broke into my car for a 10 cent toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 190
You deserved it 3 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would do anything for Hello Kitty toys.

rofl/fail and it wasnt even a 10 cent toy, since mcdonalds toys are free



I would have done the same exact thing.

I feel like playing Hello Kitty Treasure Island now =D

littlemisslee 0

it might be my husband's old college girlfriend. she's psycho and LOVES hello kitty...

hawkster90 0

Hahaha, I'm so sorry but this is kinda funny. Sad, yes... but funny. FYL. You don't deserve it at all

Those toys are certainly...cute. I got one! :D My Melody. Teehee :3

tkiero 0

$1.80 at the mcdonalds i work at. and i almost want to say ydi for eating there .. it's disgusting the food doesn't break down in your body ughh i don't know how people eat it

bob1233 0

. . . Why did you get a happy meal ?

ROFL ! that totally sucks, i live a place wheres theres a McD and a Shoppers near by. I wonder if it will also happen there ? >.

alex_vik 0

YDI for getting a kid's meal past the age of 12.