By 2young4birds&bees - 24/10/2016 15:53

Today, while changing my tampon in a public restroom, a toddler crawled under the door of my stall and asked what I was doing. I had to wait until I'd finished to open the door and let her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 788
You deserved it 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

I can't stand it when parents don't supervise their children.

"I'm changing my battery. These ones only last about a month before they start rusting—see the red? You're a young one and are still running of the kinetic energy built up over nine months of gestation. Listen, if something goes wrong and I malfunction, please contact my developer and recite whatever error code I give."


My daughter has tried to peek under the stalls before, a stroller doesn't fit in the stall with me so I have to walk her in and try to awkwardly hold her hand while I go, luckily she's never riggled away. It's really awful the kid got in your stall but it doesn't mean the parent was just totally negligent.

That's when you get out your potty mouth and teach the child some new words.

Mortoli 30

it could have been worse, she could have surprised you which led to an impulse of punching her or something lol.

I'm sure this is terrible but I would have pushed said toddler in the head with my foot until they went away. Can you tell I don't like kids?

I might restrain my impulse to kick a child crawling under the door of my stall, but I sure wouldn't restrain myself from asking what the **** it's doing or telling the little brat to get the **** out of my stall. And conservatives are worried about transwomen in the ladies' room? You're probably more likely to be gawked at by some poorly supervised toddler.

All the people saying the kid was 'unsupervised' you don't know that. It literally takes 2 seconds for a kid to get away, they're the fastest things in the damn planet. Mom was probably in the next stall over and let go of her for a second to wipe or something.

Say this is what's left of the last kid the came into my stall