By Anonymous - 10/02/2010 17:24 - Lebanon

Today, while cleaning around the house, I found a black bra that wasn’t mine. I confronted my husband about it, which turned into a massive fight. It turned out that the bra actually belonged to my son’s girlfriend I didn’t know he had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 555
You deserved it 30 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments


youthink_fml 0

Another woman jumping to conclusions, ready to fight over nothing, instead of being rational, discussing things, and trying to figure things out. Nothing new here.

Your husband was like: I don't know how it got there. And you were like: quit lying jerk! I knew you were cheating it's a woman's instinct we are never wrong about these things.

44444gggg 0

stupid this is why marriages don't work half the times u got a silly broad trying to make up crap that don't make sense ydi u should be sentenced to death by a pillow smack to the face and castrate ur son for doing it on ur bed and leaving evidence behind fml for commenting

Igor_g5 0

I had a situation once when my teenage daughter told my wife that she found a bra in the car that we let her use regularly. it wasn't the car that I usually drove. it was my wife's car. But I drove it once in a while. My wife jumped on me and we had a horrible fight. Almost ended our marriage. Then my daughter realized that it was HER bra. Figure out what's goin on before you ruin a good thing over nothin. We ended up havin a good 25 year marriage til she died.

Or so the story goes. Perhaps they both have their secrets, OP. Anyway, YDI for having such a disoriented family.

HA! No Valentine's gift for you!!!! You don't deserve one!!!

So given the choice between your teenage son fooling around and your husband fooling around, your first choice is your husband? FHL for having to live with you. Hopefully he realizes he needs the divorce.