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By mindy12182 - 29/12/2018 17:00 - United States - Des Moines

Today, while doing my disabled client's makeup I got my period. I'm hoping that she didn't notice a red stain on her white bedspread when I stood up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 399
You deserved it 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it would be better to just let her know what happened, apologise, and offer to put it in the laundry for her since shes disabled. That looks better for you than letting her find it later and having her deal with it herself.

Boomer 4

Bruh.... more like F her life


Boomer 4

Bruh.... more like F her life

I think it would be better to just let her know what happened, apologise, and offer to put it in the laundry for her since shes disabled. That looks better for you than letting her find it later and having her deal with it herself.

EmDizzle2007 28

such a simple solution, yet this dicknut didn't come up with it. or... maybe she did. maybe she "found a reason" to wash the spread to cover her accident

actually they edited my FML she's the one that noticed it before I did and yes I did tell her what happened and cleaned her bedspread before stained.

YDI, you should have let your client know that there’s an blood stain on her bed and then apologized to her for ruining her white bed spread.

FML edited my original post she knew right away what had happened I removed her blanket from her bed and washed it long before it stained

TxKitten79 10

And you didn't have the decency to clean the bedspread? Of your disabled client? That YOU messed up? Wow. This isn't an FML for you. This is an FML for the client for having a lazy, disrespectful, rude, person, who her family or insurance is paying to give her services, mess up her things. Accidents like this happen. But take responsibility for it. I hope someone noticed it, knew it was you, and complained to your supervisor. I can't even tell you how disgusted I am that you obviously snuck out and left your mess behind. Woman up, go back, and do your best to get the stain out! At the very least, call her caretaker, explain what happened snd say you were so embarrassed that you panicked and just left, and apologize PROFUSELY for the mistake of not cleaning it up, offering to take it home to clean it, or at the very least TELLING someone!

for your information this is not my original FML they edited it horribly to make me look like an ass and I'm pissed! I didn't sneak out of her room she knew damn well what happened she saw it first and I explained to her what was going on and she understood it was an accident I cleaned her bedspread immediately before it stained.

TxKitten79 10

If that's true, then you have my apology

Is her disability that she is really, really, REALLY stupid? If it isn't, I do think it is yours.

FML edited my original post my client knew immediately what had happened and I immediately washed her blanket

Sometimes decency, courtesy, and responsibility need to be put ahead of embarrassment. If she is merely disabled, and not mentally disabled, she, being a woman, should understand that sometimes your period is a surprise, accidents happen, and nothing to be ashamed of. You should do whatever is necessary to right the situation, whether it’s washing the bedding yourself or making sure housekeeping takes care of it. If it’s permanently stained, offer to buy a new one. Don’t sneak out. If you hadn’t noticed, it’d be a different story. But since you did, and published it, OWN UP TO IT!

FML edited my post this is not the original and I did not sneak out she knew damn well what happened then I explained to her the rest

OP here FML edited my original post horribly to make me look like the biggest of assholes. This was my original FML: today while doing my disabled clients makeup I began my period while sitting on her white bedspread she noticed the red spot before I did, I had to wash her blanket and change everything from the waist down FML. I explained everything to my client and being a woman to she understood I immediately brought her blanket in to remove the stain and we both ended up having a good laugh about it later. I am very pissed that FML what edit my post the way they did and others who would post their FML should be warned that they may not be put up as they were originally written.

The real FML is the edit of the FML XD

they should really stop taxing women sanitary pads.. it's about time.

If she's a client does that mean you're a living assistant? Why don't you just wash it?