By iHateWorms - 23/12/2009 03:52 - Australia

Today, while eating a sandwich, I saw a worm. Knowing that my friend always tries to scare me with fake worms and insects, I bit it to show her I knew it was fake. It was real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 530
You deserved it 33 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you want to bite a fake worm either? If you knew it was fake, you should have taken it out and continued eating. If you thought it was real, you should have taken it out and discreetly placed it in her food.

LOL. you bit it to make her look stupid.. but wait, that was you!


upsidedownfrownn 5

I guess the wriggling and squirming gave away that it was a fake worm right?

That's what happened with Ozzie Ozborne and the bat.