Just vibing

By Anonymous - 15/09/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, it was our first kid-free weekend in almost two months, and I was hoping for a nice date night. Instead, she picked up two shifts at work and then had a girls' night. Don't worry, she assigned me a massive deep clean that ate up almost my entire weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 423
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That will be a fun one to tell the marriage counsellor.

She will come home relaxed to a clean house. Believe me that much more romantic than some people thinks


Maybe if you did your share of the child rearing and household duties everyday then she wouldn't treat you like the 5th child.

On what basis have you decided that OP doesn't do their fair share? Hell, if they're doing a massive deep clean while she goes out with the girls it's quite possible they're doing more than their fair share.

Ah, yes. The mythical 50/50 domestic chores dude. Unicorns exist too.

She will come home relaxed to a clean house. Believe me that much more romantic than some people thinks

That will be a fun one to tell the marriage counsellor.