By revan546 - 26/04/2013 13:23 - United States - Hillsborough

Today, while he was eating chicken, one of my friends asked me why I'm a vegetarian. I responded that I believe in animal rights and don't like the conditions the animals are forced to live in. He looked at me incredulously before explaining that "chickens aren't animals, they're birds." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 510
You deserved it 9 548

revan546 tells us more.

revan546 24

Hi guys, OP here. Yeah I've been a vegetarian for a few years and my friend finally decided to call me out on it. I think i died a little inside when i heard it haha. He eventually did admit that he was wrong and we're still friends and whatnot. Common sense isn't so common nowadays though is it.

Top comments

This friends, is why us vegetarians have a bad reputation for acting like we're better than people.


rg350dx 29

Delicious, delicious birds.

If we aren't supposed to eat meat, why is it so damned tasty?

I've always said I could be a vegetarian with no problem, if they'd only reclassify beef.

Only example needed as to why I will never be able to be a vegetarian...bacon!

...Aand there goes my respect for DocBastard. You should know better, being a doctor and all, pft.

AboveAll04 14

that's just like saying strippers are people too.

Whoa, first time in internet history that someone defends strippers. I respect respect.

Pstraka6 20

Ask him if humans are animals or if we are only mammals. Please help your friend

I hope you laughed your ass off and then corrected him. ***Reminds me of the time I once had a cold and was told by my friend, that I shouldn't be eating what I was eating because "dairy products" causes phlegm. I was eating eggs at the time. :P

Why don't people understand vegetarians? When I go to a restaurant & ask what vegetarian options they have, they always say fish & chicken! What?? Vegetarians don't eat anything with a mother!

I love the way you phrased it! xD (although, sorry, I downvoted your comment by accident.)

Lichinamo 33

That's a much better explanation. I've heard the explanation that they don't eat anything that lived, which is when I usually point out that vegetables, fruit, etc are all living things as well

Technically plants have mothers too, since plants have sperm and eggs like we do. The only difference is that most plants are hermaphodites, so sometimes their mother is also their father lol.

57- really? Anything that lived? I've honestly never heard that before. The most common one that I've heard is "no food with a face" and personally, when asked, I keep it nice and simple by just saying "no animals. And yes, fish and birds are animals."

srogue74 5

two peas in a pod. a vegetarian and an ignoramus.