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By Anonymous - 20/01/2012 23:33 - France

Today, while I was out shopping, my pants decided that they just didn't have enough holes in them, and ripped a new one in the crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 878
You deserved it 5 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, having holes in your pants is "cool"!! I'm sure all the old men in the store appreciated your fashion sense.


harshpatel009 4
BarDownDaily 12
ShroomsOnAcid 16

Crotchless pants FTW! Just don't sit anywhere if you go commando.

GovernorGeneral 8 just buy yourself a new pair of pants -.-

45- Gasp! Shopping? At a mall?! What is this sorcery?!

Considering you're at a mall, new pants are an easy fix

Acousticpixie14 6

Why are you wearing hole-y pants? That is so 2006... And what the hell were you doing to rip a hole in the crotch?

hotPinklipstick 24
afunnyterdcody 5

For some reason your picture freaks me out

Well you shouldn't have been crying like one

SecretMe00 5

I've been in OP's same exact situation so many times. I just keep walkin though, it's not like anyone can see it if it's in the crotch area.

MeLuvBewbs 7

I tore my zipper apart from my pants. But then I lost weight and ghettoly shoe stringed the two sides of the pants together. When my friends asked why I still kept em. I said "easy access" lol

G0v3nat0r 7

I consider it a vent for a nice cool breeze.

aruam365 24

Yikes, sorry OP - that's embarrassing! Even if someone saw they'd forget about it completely in a few minutes so don't be too upset about it.

You must be crack in my balls man. What a rip-off.

Don't worry, having holes in your pants is "cool"!! I'm sure all the old men in the store appreciated your fashion sense.

Icejza_DaChilla 7

Maybe they should have been replaced after the first or second hole?

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

Is that alcohol in your hand young woman?? Crazy aussies.

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

Ew, NO! I'm only 14, I don't plan on drinking any time soon. It's an old style cherry soda! I would never, ever, EVER drink alcohol at this age.

Well the holes do make it weaker, who else has this happen to them?

TalkingTowelTim 0

Go to the little Asian dry cleaner and let them patch it

fernclogger 5

Happened to me when I leaned down to tie my shoe:)