By Anonymous - 25/03/2014 21:53 - United States - Springboro

Today, while lifeguarding, a kid thought it'd be hilarious to take a crap in the pool. The other kids freaked out and rushed to get out. Several of them slipped on the way out and hurt themselves fairly badly. Two parents are now threatening to sue us, and my boss blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 518
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Tell the parents to sue the little shit who thought it would be funny to shit in the pool. I'm sure you didn't tell him to do that.

Hold the little shit responsible. Don't take the hit.


Didn't you know? Every business that isn't a daycare is obligated to babysit dumbasses like this and keep them from facing Darwin's wrath and experiencing death so they can go create more tiny dumbasses in the future! Apparently, they're above the law and are exempt from any personal responsibility once they step foot outside of the house. Hell, they probably don't have to face personal consequence for sticking a fork in an outlet in their house, either; they'd just go sue the electric company for faulty wiring or the people who manufactured the fork for false advertising.

I still wonder why Americans love to sue each other...

How are you to blame? Tell your boss what happened. Good luck.

TrinityNevada 11

You're a lifeguard. It's part of your JOB to make sure that swimmers don't get hurt. If someone does get hurt, yes, the lifeguard on duty IS going to get at least looked at. What did you expect?

So the parents are trying to say it's your responsibility to give their children common sense? That's the problem now, we live in a society where the parents always blame someone else for their kids poor behavior/ their bad parenting. Learn to step up and take responsibility for your kids.

Sorry OP that's messed up that you're in trouble and getting sued cause of what that child did whom obviously needs some discipline, his parents should be the ones getting sued not you. But I do hope things work out for you all the best.

wth were you even supposed to do like yeah go stick your finger up his butthole so he can't shit

rene22 18

It's not your fault. Most pools have rules that say no running. They broke the rules so they suffer the consequences.