Young love

By Anonymous - 09/10/2024 19:00

Today, on our honeymoon, we’ve only had sex twice. Meanwhile, my husband has masturbated to porn at least once a day since we've got here, and it’s super obvious because he gets sleepy as hell after sex or a wank, while I’m left frustrated with nothing to do except watch Netflix and start drinking before noon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 213
You deserved it 77

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

I think this situation requires a serious talk, in fact I think it will be important for your future as a married couple.

Invest in some toys. No reason you can't also get your rocks off.


Wadlaen 23

I think this situation requires a serious talk, in fact I think it will be important for your future as a married couple.

Invest in some toys. No reason you can't also get your rocks off.