By Rob - 18/12/2013 17:47 - United States - Franklin

Today, while looking for some socks in my mom's dresser, I found a male g-string and an edible bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 377
You deserved it 16 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for going through your mother's drawers. Lol.


Don't go through other people's things and then be surprised/upset when you find something you didn't want to see...just sayin'

Aaaaaand that's why I don't fool around in my parents drawers.

I seriously just did a spit take because of this

Indeed .. Stay out of your mums dresser.

Callilah 13

At least your parents are still into eachother...

YDI. Surprise, your mom has sex. How do you think you happened?

The best memories are repressed memories!

usernaaame 4

Who would take an edible bra seriously? If I found an edible bra in my mom's sock drawer I'd laugh and ask if she planned on regifting it.

AshesNicole623 17

Those things are fun. They're also great for late-night snacks.