By Anonymous - 14/01/2013 05:52 - United States - Seattle

Today, while making dinner I cut my finger badly with a knife. When I yelled for my dad to drive me to the hospital, he accused me of lying to get attention. He had to taste my blood before he decided it wasn't red-colored corn syrup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 925
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's creepy. Either your dad is a vampire or you lie for attention a lot.


Well, either you fake getting hurt a lot for attention or your dad is a vampire. Or you just have bad parents.

you would have done this a lot remember the old story of the shepherd and the wolf

I can hardly imagine what he would do when you were younger and wanting attention by saying you're in your period.

That's so disgusting! Wouldn't he see the blood continuing to ooze out from the cut? Did he think you were that skilled at creating that visual effect with the corn syrup?!

I voted both...I'm assuming that you're an attention ***** and have done things similar in the past...

demonwolfmaster 26

Your dad is stupid food color and corn syrup are not the same color as blood unless you add something dark like chocolate syrup even then its more thick than human blood