By Anonymous - 14/01/2013 05:52 - United States - Seattle

Today, while making dinner I cut my finger badly with a knife. When I yelled for my dad to drive me to the hospital, he accused me of lying to get attention. He had to taste my blood before he decided it wasn't red-colored corn syrup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 925
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's creepy. Either your dad is a vampire or you lie for attention a lot.


Yeah yeah, enough about your bloody finger! How was dinner?

well it's weird but you could have scared him by saying you have a serious disease that is contagious and transfered through blood.

BlueFlatts 20

Wouldn't the dad know if OP had such a disease? Unless this is of course the start of a zombie apocalypse.

Is your last name Cullen? I know I know, bring on the thumbs down. :p

The Cullens aren't real vampires, they're just stupid, whining, shiny, pale dudes that happen to like blood. If OP's last name was Dracula however, it would make sense.

Oh really? Thanks so much for pointing out that a fictional character is fictional. I always thought that series was a biography! -.- So are you actually saying that Dracula was a real blood sucking vampire? Seriously?

Dracula is just a story. However,

BlueFlatts 20

Dracula was real until Abraham Lincoln hunted him down. Unfortunately, Edward Cullen is fictional so he cannot die.

perdix 29

Your dad was so wrong that you were lying to get attention -- you really cut yourself to get attention.

Your dad is just nuts. It's one case where you hope someone has a blood-borne disease for someone to catch.

But then OP would have it too. I don't think you thought this through too well.

bbedlock_fml 7

He's tasted human blood! Quick, get away from him!

He knew you were hurt all along, he just let his vampiric tendencies cloud his responsibility as a parent for a second...