By boobear511 - 03/11/2014 00:26 - United States - Rancho Cordova

Today, while my husband and I were having sex, my cat decided to join in on our moans by crying at the door the entire time. He stopped as soon as we finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 057
You deserved it 4 734

boobear511 tells us more.

The cat was outside the door, wanting to get in.

Top comments

I guess your husband was pleasing two ******* at once! I'll show myself out.

bahahaha!! OP, my cats do something similar, all 3 at them stand at our door and fall asleep in a pile.


"Our" cat gets really jealous of me taking away his snuggle buddy. She will actually keep pushing her butt towards me to push me away!

Oh we'll I guess he's trying to tell you that you sound like a dying cat

I think it's because of stuff like this that most cat ladies are single. cats kill relationships meowhahahhaahha

Poor kitty! :( it's scarred for life lol