By Mary C. - 23/03/2015 01:58 - United States - Mendota

Today, while my in-laws were visiting, my two-year old accidentally pushed the door wide open while I was sitting on the toilet. My mother-in-law laughed, took out her cell phone, snapped a picture of me and posted it on Facebook for everyone in our family to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 562
You deserved it 3 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is wrong with your mother in law

Mother-in-laws causing trouble since the beginning of time


What's with all the YDI comments saying that OP should have locked the door? Not every house has locks on the doors. Mine doesn't, and we haven't had the money to had any installed. There is every possibility that OP's bathroom door doesn't have a lock either. Regardless, it's still a horrible thing to do and I question the legality of it. Posting such a private photo on the internet without OP's permission was a shitty thing to do. Yes we all go to the bathroom but not all of us want to share ourselves using the bathroom with the rest of the worlds. Sorry that your mother in law did such a nasty thing, OP.

Thats where you stomp the shit out of her

Your mother-in-law knows how to take a quick picture and post it on social media? I'd be impressed

baxwar 15

Isn't that shit against the law without your consent? Just flag the post

nightfall8705 33

Hey OP, did you know that if you re-arrange the words "mother-in-law" that you can make the words "woman Hitler"? Return the favor next time the in-laws come over. Serve them lax brownies and replace every roll of tissue in your house with duct tape. Have a camera on stand-by. Do it for the lulz.

She is a monster. I doubt she would be laughing if that happened to her. Hopefully karma will get her back and she will poop her pants in public

buymevickis92 26

are mother in laws really this bad? I mean that is funny in sick sort of way though sorry OP.