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By outplayed - 01/09/2017 16:00

Today, while reviewing boxes of motorcycle parts, I noticed my neighbor's daughter gleefully watching me. I jokingly said, "Wanna do this?" and she let out a loud squee and got to work alone. A few hours later, the bike was ready for a test run. I had no idea how to even start building it. She's 14. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 766
You deserved it 2 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn. I hope she's signed up for STEM courses or that's kind of a shame. That much talent AND liking it? Not common.

How cute though, she found a hobby, and maybe someone to share it with.


Burle 17

I get the feeling he might be able to tell us what colour it is

Damn. I hope she's signed up for STEM courses or that's kind of a shame. That much talent AND liking it? Not common.

You should let her ride the bike and "squee" all she wants!

How cute though, she found a hobby, and maybe someone to share it with.

See, what you have here is a free mechanic. There are a lot of things to complain about, but this most certainly is not one of them.

What's the problem? She's great AND you've got your motorcycle up and running.

Lobby_Bee 17

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you sick ****... someone shoud kill you.. the girl is 14 years old...

I think we are all hoping he meant the bike

Lobby_Bee 17

Really? Is that what goes on in your mind that you immediately think I was referring to the 14 year old girl? You really need to get yourself checked, your mind is in the gutters. Any serious biker lending their bike to you will tell you to warm her up before you rip her, but I guess most people nowadays are like this. Everything has to be sexual.

Burle 17

You guys are internet noobs, this is a troll, he didn't actually think about banging a 14 year old he just wanted to get some comments and thumbs down

Yeah, no one's buying your "I was talking about the bike, your the sick ones, even though I was actually talking about the LITTLE GIRL." Here's a fun idea- go play first person frogger. In real life.

My comment was towards the person who wants to "test ride" a 14 year old... But this comment section blows, and it doesn't show that I was responding to that retard, and I can't even edit my comments anymore...

Wow, girl's got talent. Hope she'll take it further

What self respecting adult male uses squee unironically in a sentence?

One that's referring to the noise produced by an excited teenage girl? I mean, "squee" has some pretty specific meanings and context, and doesn't sound as condescending or unappealing as "squealed".