By Anonymous - 05/09/2015 08:39 - United Kingdom

Today, while using a portable restroom at the park, I discovered all too late that some very hostile and territorial hornets had made it their home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 367
You deserved it 1 739

Same thing different taste


curiouslilbird 19

Ugh how awful!! (I'm horribly phobic of those things, so I can sympathize!) FYL, OP!

You too would be pissed if someone took a crap at your home

That's always been my greatest fear.

One time while hiking, I took break to give water to my dogs, and when I went to sit down, I sat on a nest of ground bees ._. Not fun

nataliewby 25

Exactly! This is the reason why I never use portable toilets ever. I'd rather go in the woods than go in a rather questionable hole

I think we all secrately fear this thought.

hjds4n5 12

So you're just referring to hornets in general then.

fumanshu 9

How many balls do you have now? Haha