By fviz - 07/02/2013 09:51 - United States

Today, while using a public restroom to change my tampon, I made eye contact with someone looking at me through the little space in the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 175
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw your old tampon at them, they'll never look again! Unless they're into that kind of thing...


lettuceGO81 12

In the words of Vincent Gallo, "People are creeps. Creepy, creepy creeps. Creeping here, creeping there, creeping everywhere. Crippity, crappity, creepies." I thought of this immediately after reading your FML, OP

That is something I've always feared might happen to me :l

Ree92 4

God that's extremely freaky Ehh

dafuck? the weirdest things happen in public bathrooms. people are such freaks. the worst part is that there are some stalls with the biggest gaps and people can really see you, it's so dumb.