By fviz - 07/02/2013 09:51 - United States

Today, while using a public restroom to change my tampon, I made eye contact with someone looking at me through the little space in the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 175
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw your old tampon at them, they'll never look again! Unless they're into that kind of thing...


mermaidOFtheSEA 8
Satoaoi 13
karlee333 11

The fact that you said 'person' makes me wonder male or female? -shudders-

yzzami 17

Similar thing happened to me before :( FYL

It has happened to me... An old lady I ran out of the stall because she wouldn't stop staring at me

Eyeisha420 5

Some people are just down right nasty !!

I woulda said "here you want to scratch and sniff creeper?"