By fviz - 07/02/2013 09:51 - United States

Today, while using a public restroom to change my tampon, I made eye contact with someone looking at me through the little space in the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 175
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw your old tampon at them, they'll never look again! Unless they're into that kind of thing...


And that's a good reason why I don't use public bathrooms! You never know who's looking.

That is one of my worst fears! It just creeps me out and gives me the heebee jeebees thinking about it. CREEPY!!

That's the first thing I noticed when I moved to Canada - most of the public bathrooms have this huge gap on either side of the door - what gives? Someone not very good with a measuring tape at the public bathroom door making facility? The public bathrooms in England have doors that fit!!!

Maybe their carpenters should become dentists.

It was probably a little girl. Thats happened to me before; she was just curious. She wasn't trying to see me naked, it was just a natural thing.

They need to learn what privacy means. This has happened to me before.

At least you weren't eating it and having said creeper video tape it.. o.O

Been there, done that, NEVER want to go back. Most awkward moment ever.