By Tressa95 - 25/02/2018 18:30 - United States - Belleville

Today, I walked into a public restroom and, to my utter surprise, saw a lady squeezing blood out of used tampons. We made eye contact, she continued, and I ran out in horror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 680
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Congratulations on surviving an encounter with a vampire!

manb91uk 22

These Twilight ******* are getting creative


Congratulations on surviving an encounter with a vampire!

She might’ve been poor and couldn’t afford them. Or was lacking in preparedness

all reasonable possibilities... yet still disturbing

manb91uk 22

These Twilight ******* are getting creative

Were they hers? Come to think of it, I don’t want to know. Carry on!

bluhbluhbluh 14

At least she didn't say "this is just practice for when I wring the blood out of your skinny little neck"

Lobby_Bee 17

Makes sense to squeeze out the excess blood before trying to clean and reuse your tampon.

sir, I beg your pardon! they are not now nor have they ever been reusable.

Except that reusable sanitary products (including tampons) are a thing.

so couldn't stick around long enough to ask why? I couldn't sleep at night without knowing and I won't.

Lobby_Bee 17

Lmao! I feel like you are me, but not me.

It's moments like these where you wish that the MiB neurolyzer was a real device.

Sadly, that might have been a result of homelessness.