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By Anonymous - 10/12/2015 05:29 - Australia - Perth

Today, while working as a barista, a customer asked me for "gluten free milk". When I told her that most milk is gluten free, she flew into a fit of rage and cussed me out for being a "cheeky bitch". My manager then lectured me about not being "patronising" to customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 678
You deserved it 2 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

homesuckfucker 28

Next time someone makes a request like that, just tell 'em you'll give them what they asked for. Saves you the trouble of getting harassed for doing nothing wrong.

Wow. Someone is really taking the gluten free fad diet to an extreme. Or is lactose intolerant and doesn't realise what that actually means...


mds9986 24

It's fun that people are so unwilling to learn that when they are presented with new facts they go into a rage and do everything possible to try and make themselves feel like they are correct.

Yeah I got cussed out because some guy thought gluten free pizza = fat free pizza. Apparently, I need to get a god damn education if I can't figure out that it means the same thing.

I was at a restaurant once and I overheard the person behind me ask if they could substitute one of their meat based side dishes with mashed potatoes because they are vegetarian. Then then asked for gravy on the mashed potatoes. When their friend pointed out that ordering gravy defeats the point of claiming they are vegetarian, the person replied "why? it's just flavour powder and water".

Some people actually need to eat gluten free diets. Just because she wanted gluten free, doesn't mean she's a hipster. Although she is an idiot

Sounds like some hipster d-bag to me. Most people with celiac would probably know that most milk is gluten free

This is why I am eternally grateful for not working customer service. You just can't win.

I know the feeling. I might actually end up with an assault charge if I worked in customer service

i am in customer service and on the verge of it always

homesuckfucker 28

Next time someone makes a request like that, just tell 'em you'll give them what they asked for. Saves you the trouble of getting harassed for doing nothing wrong.

The basis of "the customer is always right"

Redgy22 26

Actually, the customer is rarely right. However, they are ALWAYS the customer so you gotta just suck it up. A simple yes or no would have sufficed. Sorry OP. You just tried to impart some knowledge.

"Cheeky Bitch" lmaoooo. That's my kind of insult lol

why didn't you just give her what she asked for? technically she's not wrong asking for gluten free milk

coortaknee 15

Because they were trying to inform the woman so she knows better for when she orders next time. As a barista, I come across people who have no idea what they're ordering and I try to educate them so they make choices that they might enjoy more instead of ordering something they will absolutely hate or something they don't mean.

Yeah. I work at dunkin' donuts and I always try to inform my customers what they are ordering. People come in and ask for lattes without milk. Lattes are basically espresso with a shit load of milk. It's like asking for a wheelchair with no wheels. Just ask for a ******* chair. I'll give you what you want just let me inform you about your order just in case you order the same thing again and the employee doesn't give you the wrong thing.

There is a drastic difference between what you are doing and what that customer and the OP went through.

#24. I freakin' lost it at "wheel chair with no wheels". Well put.

Personally I love it when the barista helps me out. I didn't start drinking coffee until a couple years ago (raised Mormon) and I always feel really self conscious when I order because I don't really know all the options and what's best or even how to pronounce some things lol. So thanks for being awesome!

okay that makes sense. I didn't really understand at first because I've never had a job in that kind of line of work

Wow. Someone is really taking the gluten free fad diet to an extreme. Or is lactose intolerant and doesn't realise what that actually means...

A wise man from progressive once said "It's not lactose. It's milk."

From Progressive Insurance or Progressive Dairy? ;-)

Customers can be so rude. I don't even like my job but then the customers come in and act like I want to be there working.