Traditions, eh?

By Anonymous - 31/07/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, my in-laws came to visit from their home country. They were shocked and appalled when they saw the kids helping out around the house. They then asked earnestly why I make my sons clean up instead of making my daughter do it so she can “train” to be a good wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 612
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** your in-law parents. Your future daughters-in-law will thank you, as will your sons.

Wadlaen 23

It sounds like mainly cultural differences, I hope you talked to them and explained how things are in this part of the world.


**** your in-law parents. Your future daughters-in-law will thank you, as will your sons.

Wadlaen 23

It sounds like mainly cultural differences, I hope you talked to them and explained how things are in this part of the world.

How dare you raise your kids correctly? Now they will become functional adults, and before you know it, the girls will have high-paying jobs and the boys will get married and have children! And vice-versa!

Training that shit out of idiots is easy with a tazer.

"Maybe because it isn't the 17th century anymore?"