By Anon - 31/10/2009 11:08 - United Kingdom
By Anon - 31/10/2009 11:08 - United Kingdom
By RabbitOwner - 07/01/2011 20:22 - United States
By rabbitkiller - 20/06/2015 10:42 - China - Wuhai
By Puppy problems - 27/10/2013 01:23 - United States - Essex Junction
By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 22:49 - United States - Belmont
By Anonymous - 01/08/2021 04:01
By Anonymous - 13/06/2019 12:33 - Netherlands - Amsterdam
By CatLady - 09/06/2011 07:20 - United States
By insert pussy pun, hurr durr - 29/06/2016 17:34 - United States - Hopkinsville
By cats before idiots - 25/04/2019 18:00
By Anonymous - 19/09/2020 17:02 - United States - San Mateo
LMFAO. This is thee funniest FML ive heard all day! Who knew rabbits could hump someone? I have a friend who is terrified of my 5 pound rat terrier puppy. But when she comes over the animals go into their cages. Thats what you shouldve done. Why would you let a RABBIT just run around a house freely? PUT THE DOG AND RABBIT IN CAGES YDI.
Are you kidding? I let my rabbit run freely around the house all the time, they can't always be locked up, they need excersize. Of course if somebody that I knew was afraid of animals was coming over, I would have put him away.
#12, Put the DOG in a CAGE? Seriously?
"Rabbits Hump?" "Who knew rabbits could hump someone?" ........ Are you serious? I thought it was common knowledge that rabbits tend to get a little frisky...
I with you. I thought everyone knew that rabbits are horny little bastards.
Dump the pussy!
^THIS. Also wow, a rabbit cannot possibly hurt you. And unless it was a big dog, the worst it could do is bite you.
Are you serious? You gave your rabbit away because it bit/scratched? My rabbit bites me when he's licking my fingers and trying to get me to turn my hand over, and when he had the sniffles he wasn't feeling well so I was going for his bowl and he bit me. Big deal, it scratched you. It probably smelled something good on you and tried getting to it. You should have gotten your rabbit fixed if he/she wasn't, rabbits that aren't fixed can be very territorial and bite.
Wow. All over some pee and a fluffy humping? I'd hate to see him have kids if he can't take being peed on. As far as the rabbit humping him, you should have him lay in bed naked and blindfolded and then you get on top of him wearing one of those huge ass rabbit heads like you see the Easter Bunny wear in the malls. That'll teach him. Just make sure to post pics of his reaction when you pull his blindfold off.
the animals probably sensed his fear and decided to **** with him haha
Get a new boyfriend. He clearly has huge issues. I don't trust people who don't like animals. That's a deal breaker.
They feast on human fear
lmao i luv rabbit humps!
Your pets have been planning this ever since you started dating him. I know people are calling him a pussy but I can sort of understand where people can get fear of animals from. Especially dogs. So perhaps you should have tried to be much more cautious of them and keep them away to be more considerate of his feelings. Surely its not that hard to keep a rabbit away from someone. I used to own a rabbit, they're pretty easy to keep out of the way of people. I'm not sure if you deserve this or not...
If you knew he was afraid of them, why not put them in another room or outside?
Rabbits hump?!