Poor little guy
By CatLady - 09/06/2011 07:20 - United States
By CatLady - 09/06/2011 07:20 - United States
By nenette - 12/11/2014 22:50 - France
By Drama - 10/01/2025 03:00 - United States - Kansas City
By iliku - 01/06/2019 02:00
By Noname - 12/03/2009 22:08 - United States
By litterbox_girl - 19/08/2009 01:13 - United States
By littlespoon - 04/02/2010 08:40 - United States
By crazycatlady - 04/02/2017 20:00 - United States - Charlotte
By Anonymous - 11/06/2011 22:36 - United States
By pissed off - 01/07/2012 01:00
By crazycat - 13/05/2011 16:23 - Canada
YDI for having a cat.
In Soviet Russia, pussy gets you. In Soviet Russia, iPod touch you.
In Soviet Russia, these jokes make no ******* sense:)
your cat is a pussy...
Cats are awesome! Some cats are just more grumpy than others... those ones will scratch your eyes out.
I hate cats...
this site ain't for 11 year olds!
amen cats suck
Yeah 38, 40 is right. I tried to help a sick cat and it attacked me. Then another time, I tried to simply pet a cat at a friends house, I let it sniff my hand first and everything, and it still attacked me. Meanwhile, I have always gotten along with dogs. Cats suck.
agree with #1... should've gotten a dog. a small one even if you don't like big dogs. cats are uglier, disloyal, & useless. cats are for ******* (no pun intended). they have no protective instincts either... plus, I'm allergic.
98 - Strangely, my cat is more affectionate towards me than my dog. It happens.
Or have a dog
hahaha, first poster said my first thoughts! obviously a lot of cat lovers on here.
So, how does this f your life? Its more like f your bf's life
That sucks but it's more like **** your boyfriend's life.
that's one mean pussy!
Here's an idea: Stop giving the cat acid.
I hope OP's BF likes his ******* frisky.
Pussy doesnt like having meds injected into her... sometimes you just have to force it in threw the mouth
lol@14,19 and 61!!XD
I'd honestly kill that cat :)
I hope you picked up all the bits of his arms
That was my initial thought, too. It gives a pretty disturbing mental picture.
or else the cat will get them!
Well it only peed on you... Your boyfriend took far more damage!
jump in the litter box!
you musta had some awesome cat, my cats piss EVERYWHERE and it leaves this stench of feted ammonia that is very unappetizing in the dining room...
Ya 91 your cat sounds awesome, when my cat pisses it stinks bad!!!
Well if the cat peed on the cut her arm could get infected so she might have more damage done to her.
k no cat piss is RANK you obviosly can't smell or somfink.
that's what happens when I take medicine too.
Why the heck do you have a gun pointed at Hamtaro? I thought you said cats were evil. WHICH THEY AREN'T!
114, that's a mouse..... this is a cat
I think it looks like a Hamster.
Wow. Poor you. Poor cat. I know it's not easy to give every cat his/her medicine, but breaking his own teeth by biting? Wow.
it might be retarded?
#50 LOL
#50 poor baby D': Did something scarring happen to the cat to cause that kind of reaction to strangers?
demon cat
I like those
poor pussy :(
the damn cat deserved the acid if he's gonna attack people like that
ur pretty
that's one mean pussy!
I hope you picked up all the bits of his arms