Truth bomb

By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, I showed up at my boyfriend's work to surprise him by speaking in Spanish, his first language. I've been taking classes secretly. He smiled, kissed me, and then finished telling his friend, in Spanish, that I'm boring and ugly but he's got nothing better going on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 119 415
You deserved it 6 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you should have told his friend in Spanish that your boyfriend has a very small penis but you've been too busy taking Spanish classes to find someone more satisfying.


those spanish lessions will really come in handy now

i totally would have cut him off and said (in Spanish) 'well you have a small dick, asshole!' what a fkn jerk!

sportzftw 3

what a jerk, tell him he has "chiquita cojones", and he's such a goddamn pendejo

I saw this on Scrubs a couple of weeks ago. And I almost never watch Scrubs... How convenient.

(At #104) Why are racist shitheads like you allowed to live? It's people like you that spread the hate this world is suffocated with. And as for you, OP, joking or not, that's no way to talk about his girlfriend. Dump him.

lindseytaylor201 0

anddddddddd he really thought you didn't understand him?

slushpup9696 12

Ella esta fea y aburrida, pero no tengo algo mejor ahora. It's supposed to mean, "She is ugly and boring, but I don't have anything better right now. I don't know if it's correct...

eres aburrida y fea pero no había otros FMLs para leer... 