Truth bomb

By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, I showed up at my boyfriend's work to surprise him by speaking in Spanish, his first language. I've been taking classes secretly. He smiled, kissed me, and then finished telling his friend, in Spanish, that I'm boring and ugly but he's got nothing better going on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 119 415
You deserved it 6 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you should have told his friend in Spanish that your boyfriend has a very small penis but you've been too busy taking Spanish classes to find someone more satisfying.


fuckthatnoise 0

I hope you dumped him in Spanish

Ugh...He's a douche. I hope he knows that in Spanish.

Get rid of his ass!! He is a coward and can't even talk to you in what he thought was your only language.

#41, he didn't know she could speak Spanish. She was about to surprise him with it, and then he said that.

you sound like a nice person. your bf isn't. he should die. >.> (aw you even learnt spanish for him. how cute ^o^ )

lilcuti3pi389 0

he probably said that cuz youre white lmaoooooo and what he really wants is someone hispanic who looks better and isnt boring. he just couldnt get it so he settled for you, what a shame. im sorry for you.

what a dumb asshole did he not realize you took the class and would of known more than a couple phrases. did you dump him?

Hich17 0

Someone's been watching too much Scrubs... I call BS.

I really hope you dumped him ! And made really embarising