Turned on… and off

By Anonymous - 15/10/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, I was washing the dishes when my wife came in wearing a new lingerie set, smiling at me. I dropped what I was doing and carried her to bed. After we'd finished, she went downstairs for a drink, saw the dishes I hadn't cleaned, and started a fight. Now I'm on the couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 149
You deserved it 28

Same thing different taste

Top comments


WOW that's called emotionally abuse next time ignore your wife ,remind her you don't want to be bitched at and treated like a piece of shit for not doing the dishes and then ignore her or find a better wife cuz that ones a ****.

f-bombz 1

I guess you didn’t **** her as good as you thought then eh?