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Twisted tenderness

By Anonymous - 07/04/2022 16:00

Today, I found my husband on a dating app and I was gonna kick his ass, until I realised that would mean admitting I’m on the same app, so I deleted mine but now I need to figure out a way of explaining how I know he’s still on it, so I can kick his ass. We have a twisted relationship, I know this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 176
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So wait, you want to kick his ass for being on a dating app, that you also were on. But since you quit and deleted it, you still want to kick his ass? Makes zero sense. Why not admit the truth to him, and try to work out the issues that drive the both of you to potentially cheat on each other, or simply admit the truth and both go file for divorce?

Do you like piña coladas? Getting caught in the rain? Are you not into health food? Do you have half a brain?


kitten79TX 5

My husband says all the time, "All women are crazy. You just have to find the limit of how crazy you can deal with, and date/mary women who are below that line "

Jon Tessler 14

why kick his ass? just agree to be ENM and stay together and love each other.

So wait, you want to kick his ass for being on a dating app, that you also were on. But since you quit and deleted it, you still want to kick his ass? Makes zero sense. Why not admit the truth to him, and try to work out the issues that drive the both of you to potentially cheat on each other, or simply admit the truth and both go file for divorce?

slhiggx 17

Yeah, and he can kick your ass? You are a hypocrite. You might as well have kept your profile and super matched him. Even better. So you both can see how ****** up you both are. An open relationship probably wouldn’t even save this. You two obviously don’t know how to communicate your wants, needs, desires.

Do you like piña coladas? Getting caught in the rain? Are you not into health food? Do you have half a brain?

Okay, ordinarily I would only recommend polyamory to people who are mature enough to handle it. But it sounds like your relationship couldn't get much worse. So, heck, why not? Please do read up on it first though: Don't just try to dive in, make all the newbie mistakes, and wind up hurting each other even more. There are lots of ways to do polyamory, so figure out together what you want from it. Have multiple discussions with your husband about your expectations of each other's actions. Check in with each other, and don't let anyone become neglected. Be respectful of the feelings and independence of any new partners. (Or just go swinging together and forget about the rest, if that's all you two can handle.)

Don’t send these immature people into our community! Nobody wants to deal with that kind of ridiculous BS that these two will probably bring with them.

Hmm, good point, TwoBytesCarley. I withdraw my recommendation. I guess I'll just second "Match with him on the dating site". Maybe get his reaction on video in case it's hilarious and goes viral.

ashlston 12

"Twisted" is not how I would describe that..

kitten79TX 5

So...he wants to date other people. And YOU want to date other people. Why not discuss having some form of poly relationship? Be honest. "Hey, I'm not totally happy, I joined this dating ap. Then I saw you had too, so I know you're not totally happy either. Let's have a discussion about an open or poly set up, and make rules we both agree to for safety reasoms." Problem solved. You really don't have a right to be mad, because you were planning on cheating too. Don't be a hypocrite.

I'm fifthing poly/ENM. That way neither of you need to sneak around and you can both be happier

Hook up on the app and call it a day, one way or another